Stripe Payment Gateway Integration in Codeigniter

Dear Reader, let us know that “Stripe Payment Gateway Integration in Codeigniter“. So in this Tutorial, We Learn Step By Step Stripe Payment Gateway Integration Process in PHP.

The Stripe Payment Gateway provides us with the very easy and needs the full way to collect the payments from web Application.

The Stripe is one of the best Payment gateways in the world to accept the payments using Credit Card and Debit Card. If you want to receive the payment by Credit card then The Stripe is for you.

In this tutorial, we are going to aware of how to integrate the stripe payment gateway in CodeIgniter.

Let’s start the Stripe payment gateway Integration step by step.

First, we see a Snapshot of the Product Pay now page.

And you can also see Live “Demo” by click on below Demo button

Step 1:-  First get the registration from the

Please fill the required fields and click on the “Create your Stripe Account”

Step 2:- Now you will redirect on the dashboard and click on the “Developers” Menu on the Left side menu and Under the Developers Menu click the “API Keys”, Now you can see the “Publish Key” and “Secret Key” and mention in the below snapshot

Step 3:-  First we need to create a database like “ci_demo” and paste the below SQL code

Step 4:-  Now we need to Install the Codeigniter from

How to Install CodeIgniter Framework in Windows Operating System

if you already Installed then Please Ignore this

Step 5:-  Now we need to set “API Key” and “Secret Key” in “config.php” by pasting the below code

Step 6:-  Now Create the Controller “Payments.php” and paste the below code

Step 7:-  Create the Model “Payment.php” and paste the below code

Step 8:-  Create the View “stripe.php” and paste the below code

Step 9:- Test Payment detail is below:-

Testing URL:

Card Number : 4242 4242 4242 4242

Expiry Year: 2020

Expiry Month: 12

CVV: 123

Step 10:- Now run our project, so we need to type in browser localhost/your_project_name/controller


http://localhost/webpreparations/ci_demo/stripe/Payments  then you can see the result as in below snapshot,

Step 11:- Now we need to fill the below form as mention in the below snapshot

Step 12:- Now we need to Click on the “Pay Now” button then we can see the below snapshot

Congratulations you have successfully created “Stripe Payment Gateway Integration in Codeigniter”, if you like this post and was helpful for you then share this post on social media and if you have any query then please contact us or comment below, Thanks


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